Copyright & Permissions Guidelines

The Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M. control copyrights for:

  1. The English and Spanish language versions of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska;
  2. Several Divine Mercy Images – the Hyla Divine Mercy Image, the Vilnius Divine Mercy Image, and the Skemp Divine Mercy Image
  3. All titles published by Marian Press

One-time use of excerpts from the Diary; use of Divine Mercy images; or any other Marian Press or Marian Fathers print or digital publication:

  • No written permission is required for one-time use of excerpts from the Diary (under 1000 words) for use in non-profit Parish-based bulletins, worship aids, or cenacle/prayer group handouts.
  • No written permission is required for one-time use of the Divine Mercy images in non-profit Parish-based bulletins, worship aids, or cenacle/prayer group handouts.
    • Only the official text from the Diary should be used without alterations of any kind. All excerpts must be verbatim from the text, including capitalization and punctuation. The words in bold and italics should be used as they appear in the Diary.
    • If you are granted permission for use of the Divine Mercy images or Marian content of any kind, please use the appropriate attribution for use of any Marian print and digital content. Attributions should read strictly as follows:

      “Used with permission of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M.”

All other uses of excerpts from the Diary; uses of the Divine Mercy Images; or any other copyrighted materials of Marian Press:

  • Written permission is required to reproduce excerpts on a regular or on-going basis (i.e. more than one time) from St. Faustina’s Diary; to reproduce the Divine Mercy image in print or digital format; or any other excerpting or reproduction of any copyrighted works owned by the Marian Fathers or Marian Press in liturgical aids, bulletins, parish hymnals, or other worship aids. Please click here to fill out Permissions Request Form.
  • Written permission is required for the use of the Divine Mercy images exceeding (100) copies or reproductions in print. Please click here to fill out Permissions Request Form.
  • Written permission is required to use content from Marian print publications, prayer cards, pamphlets and books (including St. Faustina’s Diary) greater than 10% of the total content of your print publication. Please click here to fill out Permissions Request Form.
  • If you are requesting use of Marian content from print publications, prayer cards, pamphlets and books (including St. Faustina’s Diary) and the content requested is greater than 50% of the total content of your print publication, we will NOT grant permission under any circumstances.
  • If you are requesting use of Marian print content and it is less than 10% of the total content of your publication then written permission is not required.
  • Written permission is required to use content from any DVD or CD where copyright is in the name of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M. and the requested content is greater than 10% of the total content of your DVD or CD. Please click here to fill out Permissions Request Form.
  • If you are requesting use of Marian content from a DVD or CD where copyright is in the name of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M., and the content requested is greater than 25% of the total content of your DVD or CD we will NOT grant permission under any circumstances.

Please click here to fill out Permissions Request Form if written request is required.
Allow ten (10) business days for a response.
For more extensive projects, response times could be longer.

Web and other Digital Media Use:

  • No permission is needed for one-time use of Divine Mercy image or short excerpts from St. Faustina’s Diary (under 1000 words) on non-profit Parish-based websites.
  • Written permission is required for all other digital uses other than one-time use by Parishes, for use of the Divine Mercy images, or any content from Marian publications in any digital application or platform.
  • E-books and digital applications for sale or for free distribution require permission and may require a license and royalty payment. Please click here to fill out Permissions Request Form.
  • If you are granted permission for use of the Divine Mercy images or Marian content of any kind, please use the appropriate attribution for use of excerpts from the Diary or the image.
    Attributions should read as follows:

    “Used with permission of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M.”


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The information and images contained in this site are copyrighted and may not be distributed, modified, reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of the Marians of the Immaculate Conception.

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